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Prevention of metal corrosion

Corrosion has significant economic and environmental impacts on a significant portion of the world's metal-based infrastructure as well as personal property.

The material deterioration contributes to undermining general safety and causing damage, as well as contributing to interruptions in operational conditions and causing extensive repair and replacement of assets.

NAST's basic concept is environmentally friendly and high-quality anti-corrosion performance with extremely thin surface protective coatings, where in every context we take care of E4 (efficiency, economy, ecology and environmental friendliness)

With a focus on improved material values, NAST® performs accelerated corrosion testing in the form of continuous as well as cyclic test procedures. Such test procedures are carried out in a controlled salt mist / condensation environment and expose substrates under controlled and stressed conditions.

In this way, the material value can be estimated, but still not indicate an exact equivalence compared to the material's exposure in natural climate conditions. Natural environmental influences are diverse and through our persistence we make progress in understanding how environmental factors affect substrate values and how we can achieve optimal values with the help of polymer tuning and advanced process treatments.


Testing in accordance with ISO 12944-6, Corrosivity Category C5-M
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